USA, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University

For publishing significant works that display superior conceptual acumen as well as empirical and methodological sophistication. His research covers virtually all major aspects of the entrepreneurship phenomenon: the individual(s), the opportunity, the organizational context, the environment, and the entrepreneurial process.
Scott Shane has accumulated an impressive and innovative range of publications that cover practically all of what we recognize as entrepreneurship research, novel contributions that have strongly influenced scholarly work in the field. His untiring efforts to promote entrepreneurship as a legitimate field of research have also helped to enhance its position within the social sciences.
Scott Shane is a uniquely complete entrepreneurship scholar, publishing significant works that display superior conceptual acumen as well as empirical and methodological sophistication. His investigations cover virtually all major aspects of the entrepreneurship phenomenon – the individual(s), the opportunity, the organizational context, the environment, and the entrepreneurial process. The empirical analyses often encompass comparative, multi-country settings where he has applied both qualitative and quantitative techniques for data collection and analysis.
Scott Shane has not only strongly influenced what we view as central aspects of entrepreneurship, but also how we view this phenomenon. In particular, he has emphasized the need to consider variation in the opportunities alongside the characteristics of those individuals who pursue them, as well as the matching of individuals and opportunities. Scott Shane’s research is theory driven and provides theoretical lenses that help us better understand entrepreneurship. Finally, by using powerful analytical techniques on carefully collected data, he has influenced how we conduct entrepreneurship research.
See Scott A. Shane’s Acceptance speech.
Titles, dates and places given above refer to the time of the Award.
Scott A Shane SBEJ Presentation Article.pdf
Scott A Shane Biography.pdf
Scott A Shane Prize Lecture.pdf
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