10 June 2024 – Michael Frese The winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2024
I det här avsnittet av Forskning om förnyelse gästas vi av Professor Michael Frese, en av årets två pristagare och gästar podden för att berätta om sin forskning om entreprenöriella möjligheter, humankapital och entreprenörskap i utvecklingsländer
2 june 2023 – Per Davidsson The winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2023 (in Swedish)
I det här avsnittet av Forskning om förnyelse gästas vi av Per Davidsson som är pristagare av Global award for entrepreneurship research 2023. Per är professor vid Jönköping International Business School samt Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research, QUT Business School. Han tilldelas priset för sin banbrytande och inflytelserika forskning och för sitt nätverksbyggande inom entreprenörskapsfältet. Samtalet leds av Martin Andersson, forskningsledare hos Entreprenörskapsforum samt ordförande i priskommittén för Global award.
17 June 2019 – The winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2019
In this podcast Boyan Jovanovic, the winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2019, reveals what he will do with the prize money and that he every year goes back to his birth country Serbia to teach a masters class in finance. He speaks about entrepreneurship in Sweden and that the welfare state provides a safety net for risk takers. “This will encourage risk taking among those with access to funds”, he remarks. Adding that – in a Swedish context – “to develop some ideas you need creativity and experience and much more, and existing companies may have that. So maybe it is not such a bad thing that when an idea has been developed the business is sold.”
21 May 2018 – To cluster or not to cluster, that is the question
Olav Sorenson, winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2018, grew up in a small town in South Dakota and set out wanting to be a consultant. Today he is professor at Yale School of Management and has in his research shown how important social networks are to entrepreneurship. In this podcast he reveals what he would wish for if he was granted a wish that would be fulfilled during his lifetime.
19 May 2017 – How property rights can eradicate poverty!
Former US President Bill Clinton has described Hernando de Soto as “the world’s most important living economist.” Mr. de Soto visited Sweden in May 2017 to receive the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. In this pod he takes the listeners into the world where he grew up and tells us why he returned to Peru to start his today renowned think tank the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD). And he explains how property rights can eradicate poverty!
11 maj 2016 – Entrepreneurs are essential for economic growth
On May 10 Professor Philippe Aghion, Collège de France, received the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2016. Global Award is the most prominent international award in entrepreneurship research with a prize sum of € 100 000. Professor Aghion is one of today’s most influential researchers in the field of economics. In this interview he talks about entrepreneurship and economic growth, why higher education is so important for prosperity, and how the state can best promote entrepreneurship, etcetera.
2 juni 2015 – A tribute to the entrepreneur
The 2015 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research was awarded to Professor Emeritus Sidney G. Winter, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, at a ceremony in Stockholm on May 20, 2015. Prior to the ceremony Sidney Winter sat down with IFN-podcasts and answered questions about his research and what enticed him to go into research about entrepreneurship.